SURNAME: Barral Steiner FIRST NAMES: Pablo Esteban
DATE OF BIRTH: 03/11/1961
PLACE OF BIRTH: La Plata , Argentina .
: Swiss – Argentine (Double Nationality)
ADDRESS: (1900) La Plata , Argentina .
PHONE: 54-221-4834972
After finishing his high school, he joined the Navy in military compulsory service where he made a course in nursing at the Navy Hospital RIO SANTIAGO There, he was awarded a golden medal because of his performance. Average: 9,45 .
During 1982 he began his course of studies in medicine at the National University of La Plata (UNLP). At the same time he did an annual course of Research Methodology at the National University of La Plata. Average: 9.
In 1983 he did a course in anatomic dissection and he worked as an assistant teacher at the National University of La Plata in the subject of anatomy.
In 1984 he did a course in special education for the deaf and mute.
In 1985 he worked in the area of general clinic at the National Hospital "Policlinico San Martin".
In 1986 he took part in several scientific meetings about arterial hypertension. At the same time, he did a course in medico-surgical emergency, organised by the CECIME. In that same year he joined the emergency service at San Roque National Hospital.
On 17th December 1987 , he graduated as a medical doctor at the National University of La Plata.
He finished a three-year scholarship at the Israelite Hospital of Buenos Aires as a medical resident in the cardiology area
On 1993 he was admitted like cardiologist according rules of the Argentine Ministry of Health.
He speaks several languages such as:
* Spanish: talks, reads, writes.
* English: talks, reads, writes.
* French: understands talks, reads.
* Portuguese: understands, reads.
* Italian: understands , reads.
- He is a typist. Experience in computers , Windows, Internet.
- He has done some literary works, both prose and poetry.
- He can play several musical instruments and has joined in several groups of this kind.
- He has practised several sports. Nowadays, he mainly devotes his spare time to the practice of Tae kwon- do (self defence) and judo.
- He is a founder member of the Unpublished Writers Association
SECONDARY LEVEL: Degree: Bachelor with a humanistic orientation.
UNIVERSITARY LEVEL: - La Plata National University Medicine Faculty.
Degree: Physician.
Average: 7,1 without failures. 6,72 With failures
- SPAIN : He got a diploma of physician and surgeon
By the Ministry of Health: in Spain by
Royal Decree in 1990.
-Extraordinary Membership Swiss Society of Cardiology
-He was awarded HONORARY CITIZEN by decree 27 February 1990 , City of Orange , Australia .
-He has been selected to take part in the program Valaisans du Monde developed for Swiss colonist descending, Swiss 700 anniversary, year 1991.
-He took part in the exchange programme sponsored by STAPFERHAUS LENZBURG, Switzerland , 1997
- He authorised in case of death the removal of his heart or any organs for the purpose of human transplantation, to the above mentioned organisations:
-CUCAI- Argentine: acta; 104077
-Foundation Les As de Coeur , SWITZERLAND , 0 8-15-1991
-Anatomic dissection assistant teacher at the Medicine University of La Plata.
-Teacher of the electrocardiography and cardiopulmonary resuscitation course for nurses at the Jewish Hospital of Buenos Aires. ( 1989-1990 ).
-Hospital intern at the clinical area at San Martin National Hospital in 1985.
-Hospital intern in the emergency service at San Roque National Hospital in 1986.
-Resident doctor at the Israelite Hospital , cardiology area for 3 years
since 1988
-Member of the National Commission Residence in Cardiology.
-Cardiology monitorist in the Operating Room (1989 -1990 ).
-Coronary unit -service day head- (1989-1990)
-He took part in the program group study exchange team with Australia
for young professionals -Sponsored by Rotary Club International.1990
-Membership International Society for Heart Research (ISHR)
-Membership Argentine Society for Cardiac Stimulation (SADEC)
-Membership WOOMB (Australia ) World Organization Ovulation
Method Billings .
-Membership of The Institute of Electronics Engineers IEEE
-Extraordinary Membership Swiss Society of Cardiology . ME-SSC.
-Annual course of research methodology at National University of La Plata in 1982 (average: 9).
-He took part in the trial "The effects of race sex and nutrition in rats" (American Journal of Anthropology).
-He took part in the multicentric trial EMERA : Streptokinase vs. placebo in the myocardial infraction, phase III, year 1989.
-He took part randomising patients in the multicentric trial : Streptokinase vs. TPA in the myocardial infraction.ECLA, phase III, year 1990.
-Course in special education for the deaf and mute, 1984.
-Meetings about arterial hypertension ,1986.
-Course in medico-surgical emergency organised by the UNLP.
-XVI Argentine Congress in Cardiology, Buenos Aires ,October 1989.
-XIV South American Congress in Cardiology Therapy, 1989.
-Medical Journeys about "Critical Patients", Hospital Israelite, 1989.
-International Symposium about "Advances in Treatment of Hiperlipidaemia", 1989.
-International Symposium about "Thromboembolic events and ticlopidine ", 1989.
-Journey about "Psycho pathologic Patient", October 18 - 20, 1990 .
-Journey about "Bile pancreatic Pathology" ,Sep 17 - 19, 1990 .
-Symposium about "Immunology”, .May 4th, 1990.
-Journey about "Critical Patient", June 23 - 24, 1989 .
-Biannual course on "Intensive Cares" ,1989 - 1990.
-International Symposium about "Renina Angiotensina Aldosterona System", .April, 1989.
-XVII Argentine and International Congress in Cardiology ,Buenos Aires , September 4 - 8, 1990 .
-Improvement course on Echocardiography and Doppler Colour. Htal. Clinics , Buenos Aires , September 1990.
-X National Journeys of Cardiology Residents ,Buenos Aires , June 1990.
-XIII European congress of cardiology, August 1991, Amsterdam , Netherlands . Active participant.
- Annual couse in Axial Computerised thomography, 1993, National University of La Plata.
- Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Cardiology and Society of Cardiovascular and Chest Society, Lausanne, April 17-19-1997, S W I T Z E R L A N D
-Conference and meeting in the field of history of medicine, Institut and museum of the History of Medicine, University of Zürich, 15 May 1997, S W I T Z E R L A N D
-Workshops: Controversies in Cardiology, Bern , 26 June 1997 , S W I T Z E R L A N D
-XVII National Congress of Cardiology - FAC – ISHR
-Echocardiography Minicourse – FAC / Mayo Clinic (USA )
-First Virtual Congress of Cardiology – FAC (October 1999 to March 2000)
-VI Argentine Journeys in Bioethics. La Plata , November 2000.
Supported by The Institute of Bioethics and Medical Humanities (UNLP)
and José María Mainetti Foundation .
-Second Virtual Congress of Cardiology – FAC 2001